Walsh, Ph.D.
Walsh, Ph.D.


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  • 256-535-1100
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Gerald M. Walsh, Ph.D.


Dr. Walsh is a registered patent attorney, as well as an inventor (holding 13 patents with his co-inventors). He was a business executive for a biopharmaceutical company founded on his patents for anti-cancer drugs. As an attorney, he assists clients with patent prosecution and advising them about the practicality of patenting ideas through a thorough patent analysis and pursuing litigation to protect patents through conducting patent infringement analysis.

He has helped inventors obtain patents for mechanical, electromechanical, medical, biotechnological, and chemical inventions. Assisting inventors at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), he has helped get patents on salt and water solutions that greatly improve antifriction properties of lubricants. He has also helped inventors get patents on machines that convert ocean waves into electricity, underwater diamond saws, anti- jackknife systems for backing trailers, programmable boat lifts, battery-operated riding rotary lawn mowers, rotatable remote-controlled porch lights, whirling streamer snake toys, irrigation and drainage urinary catheters, feeding duck decoys, herbicide compositions, valves for nuclear reactors, game feeders, methods for transporting spacecraft into outer space, teeth whitening devices, diamagnetic levitation machines, and more.

Professional Affiliations

Alabama Bar Association

American Intellectual Property Association


J.D., 1984, John Marshall Law School, Chicago, IL

Ph.D. in Pharmacology, 1970, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

B.S. in Biology, 1966, University of Santa Clara, CA

Bar Admissions

Alabama, 2000

Registered to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 1991

Court Admissions

All Alabama State Courts

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office


  • 256-535-1100
  • 256-533-9322
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