Lanier Ford participates in fundraiser for HICLC

inner city learning center

On May 2, 2015, Lanier Ford will be showing its support of the Huntsville Inner City Learning Center (HICLC) by fielding a team for the Give-It-Back Track 5K (race).

I love the HICLC Give It Back 5K. It is a very special event at so many levels. The race is run through the very neighborhood that Huntsville Inner City Learning Center serves. Though HICLC is itself a charity, it uses this event as an opportunity to teach its own students to give back to the community they live in. All proceeds are donated to another charity which the HICLC children have chosen. It is a great example of HICLC's mission to break the cycle of dependency and offering a positive leadership force in the community.
—Dan Beasley, HICLC Board Member

The HICLC is an after-school program for an incredible group of first-to-sixth-grade kids— many of them from tough backgrounds and many of them with hard stories to hear. The HICLC provides them with a place to exercise their minds and their bodies through physical activities, fellowship, hot meals, and tutoring.

The HICLC kids have been given much through their participation, but have also learned to give to others in the world with even greater needs. Each year, they choose a charity for their donation, earning money through an annual 5K event. This year, the kids will donate the money to Deep Roots of Alabama. Deep Roots strives to teach and encourage individuals, families, and communities to grow their own food and learn healthy lifestyle choices one garden at a time.

© 2015

Published April 28, 2015 Posted in News About the Firm

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